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Get Your Fair Share of the Veterans Benefits You Deserve

veterans benefits

Those who’ve served in our military deserve to reap the veterans benefits owed to them for their service, and they deserve to know what those benefits are. It’s not enough for them to be grateful for their service. They need to take an active role in getting the full range of benefits they are entitled to. If you’re a veteran yourself or even a veteran’s family member, you need to know what these benefits are so you can help them get all of the compensation they are entitled to.

Before America was ever founded, soldiers were offered benefits for their service. Anyone who became disabled due to an injury received while defending the colony would be taken care of after that by the settlement they lived in. Recruitment increased in the Revolutionary War by providing enlisted officers bonuses of half-pay for seven years after service and a prize of $80 for reenlistment after the war. The government also provided pensions for anyone disabled during a conflict. Land deeds were often given in exchange for providing military service. Since those days, our country has continually tried to provide for our soldiers.

Most people are acquainted with at least a portion of their veteran’s benefits, such as medical care and disability pay. But many veterans benefits are not well known, including loans for starting small businesses and free headstones in the event of death. You can use cash payments for your college degree or your vocational training, as well as programs to help you find homes. You can even buy a house, retire, obtain memorial benefits, burial benefits, shopping perks, travel perks, and various programs for surviving family members.

How to Proceed if The VA Tells You “No”  

When you are told “no” for a benefit, you should always ask for clarification as to why this is the case. This is because the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) won’t always “spell it out” for you. Even if you previously applied for veteran’s benefits and received a “no,” for an answer, you should consider applying again. As of September 2008, the VA started to require simple language within any rejection letter.

Perhaps even more importantly, the VA often rejects claims simply because the correct paperwork was not provided—not because you did not qualify. This is referred to as “supporting evidence.” If you know that you are eligible and the VA turns you down, you can appeal that decision with the correct paperwork. If you need help with these steps, we’re always available.

So, What Veteran’s Benefits are Available?

A wide range of benefits are available for those who’ve served in the United States military. Examples include access to low-cost loans , free life insurance , or even health care and education . Those planning on filing for veteran’s benefits should make sure they file their VA claim within five years of separation from service. This is important as some of these benefits do not last forever, such as access to services for healthcare or job training.

It’s hard to know what benefits you’re entitled to as a veteran if you’ve never thought about it! It’s not easy to find out because no one is going to look for you, either. Don’t wait! Get started today.

Is My Disability Related to My Military Service?

What qualifies as a service-connected disability? As you might have guessed, it’s any condition that happened during and got worse from your military service. This means that anything you acquired during military services—like hearing loss or an ulcer—is eligible. It also includes illnesses you contracted on active duty, like TB or malaria.

Can I get help applying for my veterans benefits claim?

Absolutely. Our office can guide you through what can be a highly complex process for many. You can call at any time to set up a consultation to discuss your family member’s eligibility for benefits and get help in obtaining these key benefits. Our firm belief is that anyone who has served this country as a member of our armed forces should be well taken care of for that service. It’s truly a shame that there are currently thousands of veterans living in the United States who may be eligible to receive veterans benefits – but many don’t have anyone to help them obtain these cruical lifelines. If you know a veteran who isn’t collecting their benefits, please have them contact our office to see what we can do at 509-328-2150 or visit our contact form if you’d prefer to send an email. 

Want to learn more about veteran’s resources and benefits? Visit the  WA Veterans Affairs  website, where you’ll find a ton of helpful information. 

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