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Tri-Cities Probate Attorneys

tri-cities probate

If you live in Kennewick, Richland, or Pasco – Tri-Cities Probate describes the legal process that encompasses the administration and distribution of a deceased person’s property and the payment of outstanding debts. The probate process guarantees that all assets are distributed in accordance with the deceased person’s wishes. If you found us today by Googling “probate lawyers near me”, you’re in the right place.

How A Probate Lawyer Can Help

At our law firm, we provide extensive services for probate actions. This means that we represent the interests of both personal representatives and estate beneficiaries in court. Some specific probate services that we offer include:

  • Some of the duties involved in administering a deceased person’s estate include:
  • Collecting life insurance proceeds and distributing them to beneficiaries
  • Appraising property owned by the estate
  • Identifying and securing all assets belonging to the decedent
  • Advising on how bills and debts should be paid from estate funds –
  • Filing documents required by a probate court
  • Managing an estate checkbook
  • Determining whether any taxes are owed on behalf of the estate

What is Probate? (Quick video explanation)

Probate is the legal process that validates a will and designates executors to carry out the instructions of the deceased.

Moulton Law Offices has a team of probate lawyers dedicated to providing efficient and effective representation for all our clients. We understand how difficult it can be when dealing with estate planning or bereavement, so we’ll work hard to provide the best possible outcome for your family.

For a no-obligation consultation, call us at  509-328-2150

The Roles of a Tri-Cities Probate Attorney

A probate lawyer’s primary responsibility is to ensure the estate administration process happens quickly and efficiently to minimize or avoid any financial penalties. When the personal representative files the will with the probate court, having a lawyer on-hand will help gather and prepare all necessary documents for filing.

Furthermore, probate attorneys typically assist in the preparation of wills and testaments. The lawyer will sit with the client and discuss how to properly execute the will, ensuring that all required signatures are met and state laws are followed.

A probate attorney assists in administrating an estate, which encompasses different responsibilities such as paperwork and smoothing out the distribution of a deceased person’s belongings to their appointed heirs.

Hiring a Tri-Cities Probate Attorney in Richland, Pasco, or Kennewick

Look for probate attorneys with experience, expertise, and a good reputation. It would be best to interview a couple of probate attorneys before going to probate. Most probate attorneys charge an hourly rate for these services.

Remember: there is no substitute for experience. These matters are legally complex, and you deserve lawyers who already know what they’re doing. As veterans of Washington probate law, the attorneys at Moulton Law Offices P.S are ready for the unexpected In probate law, and it’s best to expect the unexpected.

Is It Possible to Avoid Tri-Cities Probate?

By taking action now and setting up a Will or Estate Plan, you can save your loved ones from going through the often tricky probate process after you die. We recommend that you take steps towards this goal as soon as possible. Our experienced attorney at law in Kennewick can help you start by creating the required documents (including a revocable trust in most cases).

Executors, personal representatives, or named beneficiary in a will of someone who has already passed away might have to go through probate. An attorney’s help can make that process smoother, faster, less contentious, and more cost-effective.

How Much Does a Probate Lawyer Cost?

Many factors will affect how complex probate procedures may be, such as:

  • How comprehensive was the deceased’s estate plan was
  • Whether anyone contests the validity of the will
  • How long it takes for all required paperwork to go through

Unlike other states, in Washington, probate attorneys’ fees are a set price rather than percentage-based on the estate’s value. Consequently, hiring a probate lawyer here usually costs less overall.

Do I Have to Hire a Probate Lawyer in Washington?

Although the law doesn’t Washington demand that the executor or personal representative necessarily hire a lawyer for probate, it is always in your best interest to act on this suggestion.

A series of complicated legal duties come with being an executor, and you can be held accountable for any mistakes. Plus, unintentional errors could lead to unnecessary delays, money being drained from the estate, and domestic issues.

Does It Have to Be the Same Lawyer Who Prepared the Will?

No, there is nothing in the law that says you have to go to the exact attorney or law firm that oversaw the creation of your Will or Estate Plan. In some cases, however, families return to the original team. The personal representative might not be comfortable going with someone new for various reasons: Maybe the original lawyer isn’t available anymore, or maybe they’ve passed away.

It is crucial to find a lawyer who is experienced, has no conflicts of interest, and is committed to resolving probate efficiently and affordably.

What if There Is No Will ? 

Often, children and other relatives are unaware that their loved one even prepared a Will or Estate Plan. However, we can use specific methods to figure out the steps you need to take to ensure that there is no Will. We can sometimes overcome that presumption if necessary, but depending on the circumstances – namely, how much money is involved in the estate–it might not be worth pursuing.

If there is no will, the estate is distributed according to a set of default rules called intestate succession. Even though intestate succession still goes through probate, where the default rules take the place of a Will, these results aren’t always ideal because they’re so strict and rigid. Please get in touch with our office for more information if you have questions about how your family’s estate will be handled.

How Can I Get a Better Idea of How My Specific Probate Case Will Unfold?

Probate varies significantly from one estate to the next, meaning every family’s experience differs. If you stand to inherit property or have been chosen as executor or personal representative, it’s normal to feel lost and confused.

If you have questions about your estate and what will happen in the coming weeks, we would be happy to help. You can stop by our office, contact us online, or give us a call. We’ll do our best to give you a clear idea of what to expect and answer any questions you may have.

Talk to an Experienced Tri-Cities Probate Attorney Today

At Moulton Law Offices P.S., we’re here to help! We are committed to providing quality probate services. All of our clients receive personal attention from our lawyers and our experienced and dedicated staff. We strive to represent each client in a way that will match their goals and resources.

We are  Kennewick probate lawyers that practice in all courts and before most agencies in Washington and Idaho, including Richland, Pasco, Kennewick, Hermiston, Benton City, Prosser, Grandview, Sunnyside, Finley, Burbank, Walla Walla, Desert Aire, Mattawa, and Othello. We are one of the most experienced elder law groups in Washington State. 

Remember, for a no-obligation consultation; you can call us at  509-328-2150 or via email on our contact page

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