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Spokane Estate & Probate Lawyers / Spokane Healthcare Power of Attorney

Spokane Healthcare Power of Attorney

Estate planning is crucial for protecting your legacy upon death, but you should also keep in mind that it can offer significant benefits during your lifetime. One of the most important aspects is planning for incapacity, in which you are unable to manage your affairs because of illness or injury. The lack of legal capacity is especially concerning with health care, since you cannot communicate with providers and make decisions regarding treatment.

Under Washington estate planning laws, you can choose a person to act on your behalf by preparing a healthcare power of attorney. Your agent steps into your shoes with respect to medical treatment, closing the gap created by incapacity. Our team at Moulton Law Offices has extensive experience with all aspects of estate planning, so we can explain the details and benefits. Please contact us to schedule a consultation with a Spokane healthcare power of attorney team, and read on for some background.

How Healthcare POAs Work: You might be familiar with a living will or advance directive, in which you state your intentions regarding medical care if incapacitated. A healthcare power of attorney goes a step further to protect you by allowing you to name an agent to take on these responsibilities. Your agent will be required to follow the instructions you include in your POA, so you can extend and limit these powers as you see fit. Per your wishes, some tasks and duties of your agent may include:

  • Giving permission for elective medical treatment;
  • Communicating with your health care providers;
  • Accessing and reviewing your medical records;
  • Dealing with officials regarding Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and other benefits;
  • Placing you in an appropriate nursing home or assisted living facility;
  • Managing your end-of-life care; and,
  • Making arrangements for organ donation at death.

If you do not appoint an agent through a healthcare POA, there is no one to manage your medical care. Your family will need to go to court and have a guardian appointed to take on these tasks.

Legal Assistance with Powers of Attorney: Our Washington estate planning attorneys at Moulton Law Offices will handle all tasks related to creating a health care POA. We will consult with you to understand your objectives and make sure your intentions regarding your agent’s powers are clear. Our team will also advise you on choosing an agent and successor to serve in this capacity. When it comes time to sign, we will go over every provision of the healthcare power of attorney with you to confirm that it suits your needs. Our firm will take care of signing formalities, which include two witnesses.

Consult with a Spokane Healthcare Power of Attorney Lawyer for Details

Incapacity can create challenges for getting the medical treatment you need, so it is important to include a health care power of attorney as part of your estate planning conversation. To learn more about how these documents can support your health and alleviate hassles for loved ones, please contact Moulton Law Offices. We can schedule a case evaluation with a skilled Washington estate planning attorney.

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