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Author Archives: cms@site-mail.com

senior scams

Help Elderly Loved Ones Avoid Senior Scams

By Moulton Law Offices, P.S. |

Many of today’s senior scams are so poorly executed that they can often be viewed as ridiculous once you hear the actual voicemail or see the error-filled email, but this is a growing problem. There are various tricks in circulation that are becoming so complex that they may appear to look, sound, or feel… Read More »

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SECURE Act has Major Implications for Inherited & Traditional IRAs

By Moulton Law Offices, P.S. |

President Trump signed the SECURE Act into law earlier this week as part of the government’s new spending bill and experts agree that this will influence most retirement savers in one way or another. Recipients of individual retirement accounts may not actually see their inheritances for more than a decade due to the recently… Read More »

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long term health care costs

Long Term Health Care Costs are Increasing

By Moulton Law Offices, P.S. |

Recently, Genworth Financial published the results of its 15th Annual Cost of Care Survey. This comprehensive study is one of the most thorough publicly distributed analyses of long-term care costs within the United States. Centered on more than 15,000 unique data points which cover more than 400 distinct areas; Genworth Financial has recently concluded… Read More »

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probate lawyer

What Exactly Does a Probate Lawyer Do?

By Moulton Law Offices, P.S. |

Most folks, luckily, won’t need to hire an attorney very many times within their lives. And even if you have visited a lawyer for a divorce, business dealings, or real estate transactions – working with a probate lawyer is likely to be a fairly different experience altogether. Some things will be similar when you… Read More »

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elder care

Elder Care: 3 Ways to Help Your Family Pay

By Moulton Law Offices, P.S. |

Medicare is the federal health insurance program offered by our government to help older adults pay for doctor or hospital bills when they are having trouble financially. Nevertheless, it won’t cover everything. Long-term elder care tasks which help daily living activities such as bathing, dressing, and eating, are not covered under the plan. Unfortunately,… Read More »

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Write Your First Will

When Should You Write Your First Will?

By Moulton Law Offices, P.S. |

For most folks, the initial inspiration to write your first will – in addition to getting other estate planning details in order – usually comes from major life changes. Here are some common life events that are likely to motivate a person to think about the estate planning process. However, we also want to… Read More »

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elder law attorney

What Does an Elder Law Attorney Do?

By Moulton Law Offices, P.S. |

Simply put, elder law attorneys can be thought of as advocates for the elderly and their loved ones. Many elder law lawyers handle a wide range of legal matters affecting an older or disabled person, including issues related to health care, long term care planning, guardianship, retirement, Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, and other important matters…. Read More »

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Be Prepared for Alzheimer’s Disease – Our Guidance

By Moulton Law Offices, P.S. |

Living with Alzheimer’s disease is extremely difficult for individuals who become affected, as well as for their loved ones. However, setting aside some time early in the diagnosis to fight for the cause and beyond, a family can feel better knowing they’ve done everything they can to support their loved one. You might not… Read More »

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Advanced Directive

Why You Should Have an Advance Directive (Living Will)

By Moulton Law Offices, P.S. |

Advance directives come up frequently in discussions concerning health care decision-making as folks get older. The purpose of an advance directive is to provide clearly written instructions for medical personnel, in situations where the patient is no longer able to communicate for themselves. The advance directive is a legal document that communicates a person’s… Read More »

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Medicaid Spend Down

What is a Medicaid Spend Down?

By Moulton Law Offices, P.S. |

For a senior to be able to claim Medicaid long term care, they’re required to meet several key eligibility requirements which includes a need for care with limited resources or income. The various limits differ according to states as well as your marital status, however, there is still a way to qualify for Medicaid… Read More »

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