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Author Archives: cms@site-mail.com

aging parents

What can you do for aging parents who need help?

By Moulton Law Offices, P.S. |

The first step in caring for your aging parents is understanding what they need. Are they primarily healthy and need help with day-to-day tasks? Or do they have complex needs that require 24/7 monitoring? Do they need help with physical care, such as dressing, bathing, or using the bathroom? Do they need help with… Read More »

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spokane wills and trusts attorney

Spokane Wills and Trusts Attorneys

By Moulton Law Offices, P.S. |

How wills and trusts attorneys can help: Your Last Will & Testament is a legal document that details how you would like to distribute your assets when you pass away. Your will can also answer important questions, such as who you would select to be the guardian of your children. Are you Looking for… Read More »

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elder mediation

Elder Mediation for Parents with Dementia or Alzheimer’s

By Moulton Law Offices, P.S. |

Few things in life are as complex or challenging as making health or home care determinations for parents who have dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, but elder mediation can be very helpful. In some cases, siblings and loved ones can have disagreements and often have differing views on whether the parent requires a nursing home,… Read More »

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spokane estate planning attorneys

Spokane’s Best Estate Planning Attorneys for 2021

By Moulton Law Offices, P.S. |

We’re proud of our selection to Expertise.com’s Top 12 List of Spokane’s Best Estate Planning Attorneys for 2021! We truly appreciate all of our valued clients who have helped us get to where we are today. Our Spokane Estate Planning attorneys have been meeting the legal needs of Washington & Idaho residents for several… Read More »

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testamentary capacity

Testamentary Capacity in Washington State

By Moulton Law Offices, P.S. |

Testamentary capacity  is another way of describing the soundness of mind required of a “testator,” which is the term for a person who executes a Will. Testamentary capacity is a requirement to execute a valid will in the State of Washington. In Washington State, testamentary capacity can be considered met when the following occurs:… Read More »

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estate planning 2021

2021 Estate Planning Survey on Preparedness / Current Trends

By Moulton Law Offices, P.S. |

You’ve heard the saying before, “death and taxes are two certainties in this life,” and people plan for the latter one of these two eventualities. However, regarding the other one, a surprising percentage of people are remiss. 2021 Estate Planning Survey Results Caring.com has been conducting estate planning studies annually to get a feel… Read More »

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adult beneficiary inheritance

How to Pay an Adult Beneficiary an Inheritance

By Moulton Law Offices, P.S. |

Proper estate planning requires a bit more than just figuring out who receives your property when you pass away. It would likely be best if you could decide how and when these people would obtain their inheritances. In most states, you will have several options for leaving an inheritance to an adult beneficiary: They… Read More »

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kennewick probate attorney

Kennewick Probate Attorneys – Moulton Law Offices

By Moulton Law Offices, P.S. |

Probate describes the process of verifying if a will is legally valid, in addition to formally empowering the designated executors to be able to execute their duties according to the decedent’s final instructions. As experienced Kennewick probate attorneys, Moulton Law is committed to thorough and effective representation of our clients, particularly when it comes… Read More »

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trust beneficiary

Understanding Your Rights as a Trust Beneficiary

By Moulton Law Offices, P.S. |

People sometimes assume that a trust beneficiary doesn’t have any real rights and that a beneficiary will always be beholden to any decisions made by the trustee of the trust. However, trust beneficiaries usually have a few rights concerning the trust as well. The exact rights of a trust beneficiary will depend on the… Read More »

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washington state estate tax

Reduce Your Washington State Estate Taxes for 2020

By Moulton Law Offices, P.S. |

An estate tax is a tax on your assets when you pass away. The IRS has determined that for 2020, federal estate tax generally only applies to accrued assets beyond $11.58 million in value. Most existing estate tax rates range from around 18% to 40%. The cut-off for Washington State Estate Tax 2020 is… Read More »

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