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estate planning mistakes

10 Common Estate Planning Mistakes People Make

By Moulton Law Offices, P.S. |

Here are ten common estate planning mistakes —some you may already know about, while others you’ve at least heard of—that people have made when they’re arranging their estates. We’ve seen many unhappy, unfortunate, or plain strange things happen with wills and trusts over the years. Inadequate estate paperwork could result in people accidentally omitting… Read More »

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estate planning webinar

Attend an Estate Planning Webinar!

By Moulton Law Offices, P.S. |

We invite you to join us for a relevant, practical, and streamlined estate planning webinar without a bunch of unnecessary legal jargon flying over your head. We want to simplify this process for all of those stuck at home, which is why we chose to bring our traditional seminar format online. We recognize that… Read More »

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Happy senior couple having breakfast with their grandchildren at home

Protect Your Children w/ an Inheritance Trust

By Moulton Law Offices, P.S. |

A family inheritance trust can be an essential tool in the estate planning process because they are often necessary to prevent misuse by inheritance beneficiaries. Since inheritance trusts typically do not require court supervision, you can protect your children’s inheritance from their spouse in the event of divorce or your child’s death. A family… Read More »

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estate planning attorneys

5 Common Myths Surrounding Estate Planning

By Moulton Law Offices, P.S. |

Most of us don’t know a lot about the laws regarding estate planning. After all, they’re topics none of us really want to deal with. However, everyone should endeavor to at least understand the basics, and we should know enough to recognize common myths when we run across them. Here are a few misconceptions… Read More »

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estate planning unmarried couples

Estate Planning for Unmarried Partners

By Moulton Law Offices, P.S. |

Estate planning may be even more important than you think if you have a life partner but are not married. Without an appropriate plan, neither of you will be in a position to inherit from each other—and neither of you will have a say in the other’s end-of-life medical care. If you die without… Read More »

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Estate Planning When You’re Elderly or Ill

By Moulton Law Offices, P.S. |

Many folks don’t want to think about the worst, we get that. However, without the appropriate estate planning in place, you will wish you would have! Create Your Will If you haven’t already created a will, our firm highly recommends that step first. A will is paramount if there are complicated family situations or… Read More »

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living trust

Primary Advantages of Creating a Living Trust

By Moulton Law Offices, P.S. |

A living trust saves your family time and money by avoiding probate — and it confers several additional benefits as well. The main benefit of a revocable living trust is that it saves your family time and money by avoiding probate after your death. But there are other advantages as well. Protection From Court… Read More »

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Probate: Pass On Your Estate Without The Hassle

By Moulton Law Offices, P.S. |

Probate can be an expensive and lengthy process, with costs totaling between 1% and 20% of the estate. If you’re married, your spouse will likely have to go through probate as well, which can potentially double the cost and time involved. The good news is that there are steps you can take to avoid… Read More »

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spokane estate planning

Understanding Estate Planning in Washington State

By Moulton Law Offices, P.S. |

Estate planning is essentially all about deciding how an individual’s assets will be preserved, managed, and distributed after death. When adequately executed, estate planning minimizes legal issues or tax costs associated with an individual’s death while ensuring the proper distribution of assets to beneficiaries and descendants responsible for managing them after death. It also… Read More »

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veterans benefits

Get Your Fair Share of the Veterans Benefits You Deserve

By Moulton Law Offices, P.S. |

Those who’ve served in our military deserve to reap the veterans benefits owed to them for their service, and they deserve to know what those benefits are. It’s not enough for them to be grateful for their service. They need to take an active role in getting the full range of benefits they are… Read More »

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