Should You Tell Your Family About a DNR in Washington State?

A “do not resuscitate” order (DNR) is a desirable choice for many Washington residents approaching the end of their lives. But while this might make total sense to you, your family may struggle to understand why you do not want to receive life-saving care. Should you tell your loved ones about your decision to refuse resuscitation? How do you explain this choice? And perhaps most importantly, how do you create a DNR order in the first place? These are all questions a Washington estate planning attorney may be able to answer.
Portable Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment (POLST)
In Washington, DNR orders are part of “Portable Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment (POLST). With a POLST form, a patient in Washington can make many decisions on end-of-life treatment. This includes not only resuscitation, but also medical interventions, antibiotics, and artificial feedings.
POLST forms are generally for people who are terminally ill. Often, a doctor will discuss end-of-life care with a patient and educate them about DNR orders and other aspects of POLST. These doctors can also provide POLST forms, allowing patients to fill them out quickly during treatment for terminal illnesses.
For example, someone who has cancer may choose to fill out a POLST form to end their life in a dignified, controlled manner. For these individuals, the thought of going through further invasive, painful, and stressful treatment is simply too much to bear. Medical professionals in Washington understand this point of view and will respect decisions related to POLST.
Consider Discussing a DNR Order With Family
You are under no real obligation to share your decision to create a DNR order or sign a POLST form. That being said, it is important to discuss this choice with your family shortly after signing the forms. Your loved ones may be surprised to learn that you are not going to receive end-of-life care, and it helps to keep them in the loop. In addition, your family could react badly when they suddenly find out that doctors are not going to attempt any resuscitation or life-saving measures when the moment comes.
Generally speaking, doctors want to share these decisions with family members. If you do not want your family to know about your decision, you should tell your doctor. Technically, these forms are part of your medical records – and they should be confidential unless you agree to share them with others. If you do not share this decision with family, they could potentially challenge the validity of the DNR order once they become aware of it.
Can a Living Will Lawyer in Washington Help With DNR Orders?
The good news about a DNR is that this type of advanced directive is straightforward to create. You can download the required forms online, free of charge. However, you may also want to speak with a Spokane estate planning attorney for more guidance on living wills. A DNR is only one potential aspect of a living will, and there may be other medical decisions you need to address. To learn more about these various options, consider a consultation with Moulton Law Offices today.