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Top Aging-in-Place Upgrades for Your Home in Kennewick


Aging in place can be easier with a few simple upgrades to your home. While some of these renovations could be costlier than others, they are almost always cheaper than long-term care facilities. As a result, investing in aging-in-place today could allow you to live out your twilight years in unparalleled – and affordable – comfort. These upgrades may be easier to handle with help from an elder law attorney in Kennewick, as these legal professionals can help you access benefits, grants, and other sources of financial support.

Bathroom Handlebars 

Bathroom handlebars are definitely worth considering. Approximately 80% of falls within the home occur in the bathroom and a shower enclosure is the leading contributor. The best time to install these upgrades is before you need them. If you wait until after you slip and fall in the shower, it may be too late – and you may be confined to a nursing home for the rest of your life. Although it might seem silly to install upgrades you don’t actually need, you’ll be glad you have them once you start struggling with mobility. Another obvious upgrade is a “curbless” shower enclosure to reduce tripping hazards.

 High-Power Lighting 

Lighting is far more important than many seniors realize. The average elderly individual struggles with poor eyesight as they reach their twilight years. If you can’t see where you’re walking, falls are virtually inevitable. One of the easiest and most affordable ways to address this issue is to install more luminous and powerful lighting. Although dimmer lighting may be more pleasant to some, it may increase fall hazards. For example, you might not see a ledge or a rug while walking through your living room due to insufficient lighting.

 Smart Home Technology 

Elderly individuals today benefit from a wave of new, innovative smart home technology. This tech is improving every single day, and it makes aging in place much easier. Consider installing a smart home assistant for help with phone calls, temperature control, and much more. Seniors can also link smart home assistants with smart appliances like fridges, stoves, and security systems. Smart home technology can also be extremely effective in emergency response – especially after falls. For example, a senior who has fallen can simply call out and ask Siri or Alexa to call an ambulance. Without this technology, reaching a telephone might be impossible.

 Removal of Tripping Hazards

 Consider hiring a consultant who specializes in “senior-proofing” homes. These contractors can go through your home with you and identify various hazards. Perhaps the most important concerns involve tripping hazards, as many seniors suffer serious or fatal injuries each year due to falls. These improvements could be relatively straightforward. Rugs, stairs, loose cables, and even small animals all represent potential tripping hazards.

Can an Elder Law Attorney in Kennewick Help Me Cover Aging-in-Place Renovations? 

An elder law attorney in Kennewick may be able to help you cover the cost of aging-in-place renovations. These legal professionals tend to be knowledgeable about VA benefits, Medicaid/Medicare, government grants, programs, and other potential sources of compensation. Schedule a consultation with Moulton Law Offices today to learn more about accessing the benefits you need to cover aging-in-place.




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